Pengaruh Status Ekonomi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Minat Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Perguruan Tinggi
Economic Status, Motivation, InterestAbstract
This study aims to see the effect of parents' economic status and motivation on students' interest in continuing their education to college. Using multiple linear regression analysis methods with a sample of 40 people and sampling techniques, namely saturated sampling. Data obtained by observation, questionnaire distribution and documentation studies. Economic status hasn’t effect and is not significant to the interest in continuing to college. Motivation affects student interest in continuing to college. Simultaneously, economic status and motivation affect students' interest in continuing their education to higher education. To attract students, they usually look at their family background and living environment. There are some students who discourage going to university because of economic conditions that do not allow it and social conditions that see more people who are already working than people who are studying.