Pengaruh Media Sosial dan Desain Produk Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Medanese Sablon


  • Desma Erica Maryati M STIE Eka Prasetya


Social Media, Product Design, Sales Volume


This study aims to determine how much influence Social Media and Product Design on Sales Volume at Medanese Sablon. The population in this study are all customers at Medanese Sablon during 2022 as many as 726 people. The technique for determining the number of samples used in this study used the Slovin formula and amounted to 258 respondents. The t test results show Social Media variable had a positive and significant on Sales Volume at Medanese Sablon where tcount 9,306 > ttable 1,969 and Product Design variable had a positive and significant on Sales Volume at Medanese Sablon where tcount 6,977 > ttable 1,969. The F test results that show Fcount 115,390 > Ftable 3,03 that means the independent variables Social Media and Product Design had a positive and significant on Sales Volume at Medanese Sablon. Test results of the coefficient of determination (R2) indicate that 47,50% of Sales Volume variable are supported by Social Media and Product Design variables, while 52,50% are discussed by other factors or variables outside the model such as Service Excellence, Product Quality and Price that not discussed in in this research.


